Sunday, 24 August 2008


playe around with the babyface image a little more. i like it but i have a fear that i'm too influenced by the joker face or that it just looks abit too close. it isnt at all influenced by it. i wanted to make an image that has a uncomfortableness about it. a face that has lips that look so uncomfortable and sore. hmmm
back to the drawing board perhaps?

Saturday, 23 August 2008


quick show of a piece i'm having fun playing with. origianly it started as a mix of photos. since then its changed and morphed and become a whole drawing. theres pictures under the marks somewhere!
i like working on these. so far my plan for tomorow is to work on this and some other pieces i've got buzzing around the noodles.
i need to start think of work i want to get sorted for portfolios. that harsh fact is kicking in fast. bah
should have some work and progress up tomorow. ive been abit off it as i had a little trip out of the uk and working and yes i'll admit it... abit of a more!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Miss Trinder

just had a good long sketch session on this. i love it when those moments take hold where nothing else is going on bt you and the scribble!
this here is Laura Trinder. you can find a link to her work on the top right of this page. she has a wicked paint style. and great photography. go have a check.

More on the catch up

abit of a play around with the last sketch. i'll upload the other birthday pics soon. too too sure of them yet.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Catch up

well lately i've been a slave to a plain old job working waiting in a restraunt. so have hardly been sketching as much as i should have. then i remebered i had a few birthday presenst i owed a few peopel so i started working on them abit.
hers the begining of one. roughy about half an hours work in this one. so far its going well. i've started braveing up to working into my doodles abit more with photoshop.
more to come.