Thursday, 19 February 2009
The Soldier
Abit of a sneaky peak at some of the work ive been up to recently. this a character profile picture of the protagonist of the new script i'm working on with Luke Massey. its called 'Warhouse' i really like this script it has a wicked storyline to it. ive been working on alor of charector design stuff, just for now as other thinhs are in process and hopefully this stuff might help other people along with some visuals.
some really fun stuff, but i wont go puttig it all up just yet. so far this and the other work has all been in pencils, i seem to have taken my hand back to that rather than straight into photoshop. i seem to have rememberd its the best way to get familiar with any sort of characteristics that need to be carried through with the drawings...the moral is... draw people! draw!